"James, A bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ."
Chris, in the early days at Lee Park did an entire sermon off of that part of the first verse in the book of James.
1. A person obligated to service without wages.
2. A slave.
Am I a bondservant of God?
The brother of Jesus is introducing himself as a bondservant. Doesn't say, "I am James, brother of Jesus." He only says, "bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ." I have nicknames for my brothers. I like to show familiarity and sometimes that trumps the respect I should show for position. I love the respect...the awe James shows to our Lord. He doesn't seem interested in flaunting his "brother" credentials...only interested in expressing his "sold-out(ness)" to his Lord, Jesus Christ.
While I like modern...some modern phrases get me a little tweaked. "Jesus is my homey"..."Jesus is my homeboy" ....ohh and this one makes me want to pull over cars and discuss the theology of such ..."Jesus is my co-pilot." (How did that phrase make it to bumper stickers?)
As we begin James tomorrow, may we approach the Lord Jesus Christ...praying to be "bondservants" ...bondservants as we prepare to do our homework..bondservants as we carve out time to go to study...and bondservants as we try to memorize the book of James.
Many of you, (I've been guilty too) come on Tuesdays asking for what can be done FOR you and many walk away empty week after week. Maybe we all can go into this study (since we all will be doing the same study:):):)yay!)...asking only to make us bondservants of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm praying for you..I can't wait to see you...feed you...and study God's Word with you. More than anything...become a bondservant of God with you! :)
Much love!
It's still not too late to come tomorrow...we have a book for you.....call 704.289.4674 with any questions or just come to 2505 Morgan Mill Road tomorrow at 9 a.m. or 7 p.m.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
The long walk to the door.....
Tomorrow is our big day for Bible study sign-ups! We are very excited and can't wait to see everyone. This blog is one you need to read. It is from our dear friend, Sarah Vick. Her Bible study testimony may sound familiar to you, that you could write it yourself. It may be how you are feeling about tomorrow. Sarah taught a Bible study this past fall, and is one of our James teachers for this semester. She is an absolute delight, a wonderful friend, and has the best sense of humor! We are very glad she made the long walk to the door four years ago, our lives were changed for the better!
Becky and Lisa
Four years ago, I found myself in a new season of life. My older daughter was a student at Meredith College. My younger daughter was about to graduate from high school and begin her freshman year at NC State. My husband, John, and I were about to become "empty-nesters". My season of carpooling, packing lunches and helping out in my daughter's classrooms was already a thing of the past and my season as a mother of teenagers was quickly coming to an end. John and I have a strong marriage and we love spending time together so that was not a worry. At age 55, I was facing a major life change--I loved my roles of wife, mother and homemaker, but I wanted to know what new plans did God have in store for me?
John and I had been attending Lee Park for several weeks when it was announced that Beth Moore's study, The Patriarchs, would be offered. I decided to sign up for the morning study. I did not know anybody else in the study. As I got ready to go to the first session, I was so nervous that I almost didn't go. I just didn't know what to expect. When I pulled up into the parking lot, my feelings intensified and I almost drove away. Another lady was going in so I introduced myself to her and went in with her. When I stepped into the basement at the old Lee Park Church, I realized that I was the only newcomer. I found myself standing alone while my new friend went to take care of something in the kitchen. I felt like I was going to cry and was just about to leave, when I found myself surrounded by the most wonderfully kind ladies. They invited me to sit with them and took me into the kitchen to get something to eat and drink. My new friend from the parking lot finished her duties in the kitchen and came and sat with me too. I saw Jesus in all of these dear ladies.
I had never done a Beth Moore Bible study before and when I saw the workbook, I felt very intimidated and just plain overwhelmed! I confessed my feelings of inadequacy to my new friends and found they felt the same way! Becky Justice and Lisa Nance were the class teachers. I soon discovered that I could relax and just listen because they were not going to randomly call on us to answer questions or put us on the spot in any way. I do not like to speak up in groups of people so this was a relief to me!
I absolutely loved and still love Tuesday morning Bible study. I am so thankful that I did not let my negative feelings get the best of me and keep me from going to Bible study four years ago. Bible study has changed my life and filled the void I was experiencing with such peace and joy. God's Word has shown me new ways to serve Him. As I read and studied His Word, I learned that I could trust God completely and depend on Him and Him alone. No problem is too big for Him and He loves us lavishly and unfailingly. What an awesome God we have!
Please come and join us on Tuesdays for Bible study. The blessings that you will receive from the study of God's Word will carry you through any season of life!
Sarah Vick
Tomorrow is our big day for Bible study sign-ups! We are very excited and can't wait to see everyone. This blog is one you need to read. It is from our dear friend, Sarah Vick. Her Bible study testimony may sound familiar to you, that you could write it yourself. It may be how you are feeling about tomorrow. Sarah taught a Bible study this past fall, and is one of our James teachers for this semester. She is an absolute delight, a wonderful friend, and has the best sense of humor! We are very glad she made the long walk to the door four years ago, our lives were changed for the better!
Becky and Lisa
Four years ago, I found myself in a new season of life. My older daughter was a student at Meredith College. My younger daughter was about to graduate from high school and begin her freshman year at NC State. My husband, John, and I were about to become "empty-nesters". My season of carpooling, packing lunches and helping out in my daughter's classrooms was already a thing of the past and my season as a mother of teenagers was quickly coming to an end. John and I have a strong marriage and we love spending time together so that was not a worry. At age 55, I was facing a major life change--I loved my roles of wife, mother and homemaker, but I wanted to know what new plans did God have in store for me?
John and I had been attending Lee Park for several weeks when it was announced that Beth Moore's study, The Patriarchs, would be offered. I decided to sign up for the morning study. I did not know anybody else in the study. As I got ready to go to the first session, I was so nervous that I almost didn't go. I just didn't know what to expect. When I pulled up into the parking lot, my feelings intensified and I almost drove away. Another lady was going in so I introduced myself to her and went in with her. When I stepped into the basement at the old Lee Park Church, I realized that I was the only newcomer. I found myself standing alone while my new friend went to take care of something in the kitchen. I felt like I was going to cry and was just about to leave, when I found myself surrounded by the most wonderfully kind ladies. They invited me to sit with them and took me into the kitchen to get something to eat and drink. My new friend from the parking lot finished her duties in the kitchen and came and sat with me too. I saw Jesus in all of these dear ladies.
I had never done a Beth Moore Bible study before and when I saw the workbook, I felt very intimidated and just plain overwhelmed! I confessed my feelings of inadequacy to my new friends and found they felt the same way! Becky Justice and Lisa Nance were the class teachers. I soon discovered that I could relax and just listen because they were not going to randomly call on us to answer questions or put us on the spot in any way. I do not like to speak up in groups of people so this was a relief to me!
I absolutely loved and still love Tuesday morning Bible study. I am so thankful that I did not let my negative feelings get the best of me and keep me from going to Bible study four years ago. Bible study has changed my life and filled the void I was experiencing with such peace and joy. God's Word has shown me new ways to serve Him. As I read and studied His Word, I learned that I could trust God completely and depend on Him and Him alone. No problem is too big for Him and He loves us lavishly and unfailingly. What an awesome God we have!
Please come and join us on Tuesdays for Bible study. The blessings that you will receive from the study of God's Word will carry you through any season of life!
Sarah Vick
Friday, January 6, 2012
New Year.....New You??
It's my turn to talk to you! We have heard from those of you that love the blog, and our rotation of ladies to hear from. We are glad you are reading.....keep visiting and send your friends!
I can not believe that it is the year 2012, weren't we just worried about Y2K (and I am aging myself with that reference!) I love this time of year. I get the urge to get cleaned and organized. I know I am not the only one, just walk into Walmart or Target and see all the organizational stuff when you walk in! There is something about the New Year that gives us a chance for new beginnings.
I am not one to make resolutions....I like to say it is time to "get back on track." I am thankful that we serve a God that has mercies that are new for us each morning, Lamentations 3:22-23, instead of each year. The New Year just seems to be a great time to start something.....................new.
I know a lot of people start to read through the Bible in a year at this time, and we have some that we are buying One Year Bibles for this exact purpose. I have chosen to do the Bible in 90 Days this year, with the hope of reading the Bible a couple of times this year. It does seem odd to not even be a week into the year and be into Exodus already, after so many times of reading it other ways. Maybe your something new is just to begin reading the Bible, or to begin to study the Bible more in depth, but you don't know where to begin. Lee Park Ladies Ministry can help you.
I am happy to be co-teaching a Bible study class on Wednesday nights with Mary Armstrong and Sharon York. The class is called Blessed: A Journey Thru the Psalms. We are studying, you guessed it, the Psalms. It is a wonderful book of the Bible to learn to pray through, and to learn more about our relationship with God through. We would love to see you on Wednesday nights at 6:30 in room 301 at Lee Park.
It is time for Tuesday Community Day to begin again! January 17th is our sign-up day, at 9am and 7pm in the Family Life Center. It will be a time to learn about our most exciting semester yet! And it will not be one of these studies:

We are very excited to all be doing the same study together this time! This opportunity does not come along very often, and we are thrilled to have it now. We will be studying the new Beth Moore James study.
How do two hundred women study it all together? Well, for that answer, you have to come to Sign-Ups on Tuesday, January 17th at 9am or 7pm. We will begin the study on January 25th. It is a wonderful study on one of my favorite books of the Bible, with a new five level approach. What is a five level approach?.....guess what the answer is.......come to Sign-Ups! You know we will have food.....and coffee with fancy creamers!
Can I tell you for just a moment, that Bible study has changed my life. I am, thankfully, no longer the person I was seven years ago, because of the study and teaching of God's Word. My nerdiness found a home....God's Word.....see, take a look:
My heart found it's voice.....God's Word. My soul found it's solace.....God's Word. I know God and love Him deeply, through the study of His Word. I believe Him, trust Him, and worship Him.....because of His Word. Open it, read it, study it.....you will be changed.
If you have any questions, please comment and they will be answered. Or check the church website www.leeparkchurch.org
I will see you on January 17th,
It's my turn to talk to you! We have heard from those of you that love the blog, and our rotation of ladies to hear from. We are glad you are reading.....keep visiting and send your friends!
I can not believe that it is the year 2012, weren't we just worried about Y2K (and I am aging myself with that reference!) I love this time of year. I get the urge to get cleaned and organized. I know I am not the only one, just walk into Walmart or Target and see all the organizational stuff when you walk in! There is something about the New Year that gives us a chance for new beginnings.
I am not one to make resolutions....I like to say it is time to "get back on track." I am thankful that we serve a God that has mercies that are new for us each morning, Lamentations 3:22-23, instead of each year. The New Year just seems to be a great time to start something.....................new.
I know a lot of people start to read through the Bible in a year at this time, and we have some that we are buying One Year Bibles for this exact purpose. I have chosen to do the Bible in 90 Days this year, with the hope of reading the Bible a couple of times this year. It does seem odd to not even be a week into the year and be into Exodus already, after so many times of reading it other ways. Maybe your something new is just to begin reading the Bible, or to begin to study the Bible more in depth, but you don't know where to begin. Lee Park Ladies Ministry can help you.
I am happy to be co-teaching a Bible study class on Wednesday nights with Mary Armstrong and Sharon York. The class is called Blessed: A Journey Thru the Psalms. We are studying, you guessed it, the Psalms. It is a wonderful book of the Bible to learn to pray through, and to learn more about our relationship with God through. We would love to see you on Wednesday nights at 6:30 in room 301 at Lee Park.
It is time for Tuesday Community Day to begin again! January 17th is our sign-up day, at 9am and 7pm in the Family Life Center. It will be a time to learn about our most exciting semester yet! And it will not be one of these studies:

We are very excited to all be doing the same study together this time! This opportunity does not come along very often, and we are thrilled to have it now. We will be studying the new Beth Moore James study.
How do two hundred women study it all together? Well, for that answer, you have to come to Sign-Ups on Tuesday, January 17th at 9am or 7pm. We will begin the study on January 25th. It is a wonderful study on one of my favorite books of the Bible, with a new five level approach. What is a five level approach?.....guess what the answer is.......come to Sign-Ups! You know we will have food.....and coffee with fancy creamers!
Can I tell you for just a moment, that Bible study has changed my life. I am, thankfully, no longer the person I was seven years ago, because of the study and teaching of God's Word. My nerdiness found a home....God's Word.....see, take a look:
My heart found it's voice.....God's Word. My soul found it's solace.....God's Word. I know God and love Him deeply, through the study of His Word. I believe Him, trust Him, and worship Him.....because of His Word. Open it, read it, study it.....you will be changed.
If you have any questions, please comment and they will be answered. Or check the church website www.leeparkchurch.org
I will see you on January 17th,
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