"Wednesday Whine"?
Doesn't that sound like a good name for a weekly blog series. How about "Tuesday Takedown"? Is this something you would read? It might not be what you were expecting from a preacher's wife. I pitched the idea to Chris (great looking pastor on poster picture below) last night.
He nixed it ...obliterated it, really. I don't think I had my plan pulled together enough...I should of prepared more before I pitched the idea. In previous days of our marriage, I might of just went ahead with the plan and asked for forgiveness later. I have been around too long(in trouble enough) to think I would succeed in that plan. Here's how the conversation went:
Me: "Hey Babe "(evidently, my tone was that of ornery)
Chris: " What Bec"(He uses my name when he can smell manipulation)
Me: " I had an idea about something for the blog" (changed my voice to sweet ness to accommodate my manipulative plan..I may have touched his arm..turned my head sideways and smiled...I excel at lame:)
Chris: What is it? ( non-committal ......fully aware of my ways)
Me:" How about I change names ...of course...but can I put up some of the emails we get at the church in the negative fashion....(Chris walking away tuning me out) .....dissect them and point out how wrong those folks are for hating Lee Park(a little dramatic on my part) and us.......please may I ...I have a name for it?"
Chris: " " .....( I know ..I think it is rude to have empty quotes too ...I mean I had a name and everything and nothing from him...nothing!!!!:)
Me: "Are you thinking about it?"
Chris: " Let's go over our Wednesday night stuff for our class...how many verses are we using" ( had to bring the Bible in) .....
And that is pretty much what Chris thinks of my plan. Daggoneit....I was gonna change the names....Who would ever guess who Monique (soap opera name) is???
And that right there ...in a nutshell...is my husband!
He really does love people....even angry..disgruntled ...and even those showing great endurance for their disgruntledness by sending emails.....The boy is godly even in the privacy of our home.
Well, and just like that..no Tuesday takedown and no Wednesday whine.....I really did go into the conversation thinking he would just limit me to one day....that he would only let me have one title.....ohh, I am kidding! ....I knew there was no way I would succeed.
Chris is very human....I ...(especially when someone spouts about my hubby) can be very human....Things hurt...bad!!! ....and we discuss it with each other.
BUT God is very good!
When we seek Him ...we really do find understanding....people may be putting our faces on their issue...but their real issue is the gospel. As long as Chris is faithful to be an expository preacher...preaching the text. We can be certain we will have those who don't like us....."it is what it is" (one of our favorite things to say to each other).....This side of Heaven ...people will still get mad and they will still use email.....
Well ..I will go back to the drawing board and look for some other series ideas. I might ask Chris' asst., Judy first and see if she can help tighten up my sales pitch.
We love the Lord ,most! We must have different responses...I am prone to the world's takedown/whine response...but following my husband's lead and running hard after the Lord....I have those responses less and less.
Loving people...even mouthy ones....really is better ...it feels good!
Thankful the Lord insists upon it!
"Preach the Word...Love the People" .....much better than "Wednesday Whine" or "Tuesday Takedown"
Much love everyone!(even to you angry ones)