Long time no blog. :) We are at the halfway point of all our "Community Day" Bible Studies at Lee Park. The Lord has blessed and we are all growing in the knowledge of His Word. Tuesday's are so fun. Please consider joining us for one in the Spring. We start back the third Tuesday in January.
I'm thankful for Kris Singleton. She teaches one of our Nehemiah studies. She and her husband Tim lead our First 5 Years Marriage LINK class.
Thanks to her for her blog and honesty. She honors the Lord.
Love you all!
November 5, 2011 was a day I prepared 6 months for. It was a day I planned to check something off of my bucket list...and that thing was a body building competition. Crazy, I know...that's why I have only done one. :) I remember writing a blog this time last year about how the Lord is with us--even in the small things. I remember being extremely emotional about the strict diet I was on and giving Him the glory in my blog for calming my anxieties on the day of competition. It all seemed like such a big deal then.
November 5, 2012 is the due date my husband Tim and I were given at the doctors office in March when we got to see our cute little peanut on the ultrasound screen and hear the oh so sweet heartbeat. I remember thinking...oh how different I will look in one short year. :)
Well, just a few weeks later, the unthinkable happened. Our precious little baby went home to be Jesus. I remember crying in my husband's arms and wondering why this happened to us. As Tim prayed, I knew the same arms that were holding our baby, were also wrapped around us. God is so faithful and was so present in this time. Of course we were incredibly sad, but I had an unexplainable peace. That peace was Jesus. Honestly, it was so strong that I actually felt bad about it. I didn't know why I wasn't crying more and when people asked how I was getting through it, my only answer was GOD.
As I write this, on the evening on November 4th, with tears in my eyes, I am grateful how the Lord has grown my faith this past year. Knowing that just one short year ago, a body building competition was what I was praying for God's strength in. Maybe that's all I could handle last year. I am thankful for a church and a ladies ministry under the direction of Becky Justice, that encouraged me to get into my Bible and grow in a deeper walk with God. I didn't know what He was preparing me for, but I am so glad that He strengthens me and grows my faith daily.
So many women approached me after our miscarriage and shared that they had been through the same and offered such encouragement. Recently, I actually had the opportunity to encourage some friends who were now dealing with miscarriage of their own. I am grateful the Lord has entrusted me with the tender hearts of these women and pray that my testimony will help them get through their difficult loss.
I pray that YOU know this God I'm talking about. I pray that you don't just know Him, but have a personal relationship with Him. I encourage you to grow in a deeper walk with Him and get to know His word because you never know when you will need that peace assurance that only He can provide.