Monday, January 7, 2013

Ladies Ministry Spring Bible Studies

Here is a list of our upcoming Spring Ladies Ministry Bible Studies!  We wanted to put this list out now so that you can be praying about which one to take.  Sign-ups will be at our Spring Community Day Kick-Off, on Tuesday,  January 15, 2013 at 7 p.m-8 p.m.  Mark your calendars now and if you have any questions, please call our church office at 704-289-4674.

A Woman’s Heart God’s Dwelling Place (A great follow-up to the Patriarchs) A Woman’s Heart explores the building of the Old Testament tabernacle. It looks at the significance of its intricate design, its pivotal role in God's eternal plan, the grand fulfillment of its purpose by Jesus Christ, and its variety of meanings for your walk with God today. This is a video driven study. (Offered in both the AM and PM)

Brave by Angela Thomas is a study that speaks to us about deep feelings that all women have at one time or another. Angela looks boldly at some of the fears and struggles of being a woman and she helps us see how we can be brave in the face of those challenges. It takes a brave woman to ask these questions and dig into these topics alongside other believers. We've all got insecurities, flaws and struggles that we're afraid to address but if we can be brave enough to raise the questions, God will answer us. You've got questions. God's got answers. Be brave.  This is a video driven study. (Offered in the AM)
Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow If you are tired of worrying about all the what ifs in your life and want to experience the calm and contentment promised in Scripture, Calm My Anxious Heart is what you have been looking for.  This book is filled with encouragement and practical help.  Linda Dillow will help you discover what the Bible says about contentment and ways to apply it to your daily life.  This is a book study. (Offered in both the AM and PM)

Cookies on the Lower Shelf Part 2 by Pam Gillaspie endorsed by Kay Arthur (Flexible levels, great for anyone!)  A Precept Inductive Bible Study Series that covers the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation in three, 10-week segments. This series is designed to help you see the Big Picture and give you the context needed to get the most understanding from future studies!  This particular study will be I Samuel through Malachi and then in the fall with the New Testament.  You can join in Part 2 without having done Part 1.  This is book study. (Offered in both the AM and PM)

Covenant: God's Enduring Promises by Kay Arthur   Everything God does is based on covenant.  Covenant shows that the idea of covenant — God's enduring promise — is key to understanding our relationship to God.  Kay will guide us through her Precept Inductive Study approach as we explore the benefits and responsibilities of covenant as well as the character of the Covenant Initiator. This is a video driven study.  (Offered in both the AM and PM)
Deuteronomy: The Law of Love by Beth Moore Some of you may immediately think "Boring" . Please don't.  Beth's daughter says it best..."Deuteronomy has not only shaped the way I read the entire Bible but it has moved me spiritually in a way I could never have anticipated".  Here's another quote from  one who loved the study of Deuteronomy .."It has been aptly named the heartbeat of the Old Testament".  An action packed book full of great speeches from Moses.    This is a video driven study. (Offered in both the AM and PM)
Hannah's One Wish, by Kelly Minter is an Bible study for High School girls that focuses on the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel. Girls will meet Hannah - a devout woman of God who wrestled with her share of problems. She, too, faced enemies who taunted her, questioned God's sovereignty, wondered why the wicked were allowed to prosper, and did her best to be honest before God. This is a book study. (Offered in the PM for High Schoolers)
Here and Now...There and Then by Beth Moore is a lecture series on the book of Revelation. Beth presents many points of view, allowing women to decide for themselves when the interpretation varies among scholars. She teaches that God is as specific about what He does reveal as He is about what He does not reveal This is a video driven study.  (Offered in the PM only)

Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer  What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run! Priscilla redefines interruption and shows that interruption is actually God's invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams. When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in an entire city. This is a video driven study. (Offered in both the AM and PM)

Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of The Spirit by Beth Moore Bible study of the fruit of the Holy Spirit as presented in the book of Galatians. Beth walks participants through each trait listed in the fruit and encourages women to know the freedom of a Spirit-filled life. Through this study, participants will look at the supernatural aspects of the fruit and that you cannot grow, learn, or produce the fruit on your own. Beth challenges you to develop the fruit by maintaining an intimate relationship with the Spirit of God. A Spirit-filled life truly results in living beyond yourself. This is a video driven study. (Offered in AM for adults and PM for College)

Living Free: Learning to Pray God’s Word by Beth Moore
Beth explores the somewhat-radical idea that we cannot please God by being perfect. The study begins by defining false strongholds, then focuses on five key benefits for every believer, including how to find satisfaction in God and experience God's peace. Participants can learn how to develop a Godward focus in life, while beginning to incorporate the key benefits in their lives through practices of prayer and Bible study. This is a book study.  (Offered in both the AM and PM)

Lord, Give Me a Heart for You by Kay Arthur  Kay Arthur knows there are times when you can identify with Paul's experience. You feel overwhelmed by conflicts without and fears within. You yearn to experience the God of wisdom and power. You, like Paul, want deeply to be a person whose sole passion is to please God. In this study based on 2 Corinthians, Kay examines the anatomy of a heart for God. What it looks like. What it feels like. And how you can strengthen your own relationship with God. This is a book study. (Offered in the PM only)

Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent by Beth Moore An in-depth women's Bible study of Psalms 120-134. Traveling pilgrims sang these psalms both on the way to the great festivals of the LORD and as key elements of the worship at those festivals. Just as a song or poem can express feelings of fear, doubt, hope, and joy, these 15 psalms model how we can voice our own petitions and praises to our God, who is always available and ready to hear us. Themes of unity, joy, gratitude, redemption, repentance, the power of blessings, facing ridicule, and more are explored in detail. Modern-day believers in Jesus Christ can learn much from these treasured Psalms in their journey toward greater intimacy with God. This is a video driven study. (Offered in the AM only)
The Inheritance by Beth Moore is video series.  This is a topical study of Inheritance throughout God's Word. Key verse: Psalm 16:5-6 "The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.  This is a video driven study, no homework. (Offered in both the AM and PM)
When Godly People Do Ungodly Things: Arming Yourself in the Age of Seduction  by Beth Moore In this biblical guide to authentic repentance and restoration Beth examines why devoted followers of Jesus Christ can fall into the traps of Satan.  Believers are still subject to Satan's attacks. He is determined to disrupt the lives of Christians, destroy their ministry, and steal their joy. Sadly, those who have "fallen" may not recognize the devil's schemes until they have already been caught in a snare of defeat.  This is a video driven study. (Offered in both the AM and PM)