Hey Everybody!
I hope you all are having a great morning. Chris and I had some extra quiet time this morning (late nights at the church for "Bon Noel" have made for slow starts by the Justice kids). Chris made some spectacular over-medium eggs today and I made some strong coffee. I love early quiet times this time of the year around the Christmas tree:). Last year...when it wasn't 73 in December..Chris would make a fire for our time, too.
I pulled out one of my old prayer journals, one my sister Cathy gave me, and read over what I was praying about in 2002..2003 and 2004. (I'm not much of a faithful journal(er)....so one can last me a few years:)....) I enjoyed reading it so much. Life was much different then. Chris was still at the TV station. I was pregnant for Ty during that time. My Daddy was really sick with his Parkinson's, and had made his last trip to Charlotte before he went to be with the Lord. My sister Karen was facing raising four kids alone...We hadn't experienced..as a family..anything this difficult since the passing of my brother, Tommy. We all love Karen...Chris was out of sports anchoring and not traveling with Ball teams as much..which allowed us to be home and better church members. We were at church as much as we could be . We loved all things Hickory Grove Baptist Church. Still do. We had faithful pastors who stayed on us to go deeper and provided us with service opportunities to show we were serious. It was the best of times...amidst some very hard personal times.
My favorite little finding in my journalwas on April 10th, 2003
"Chris went to speak to the prisoners of "Rowan Corectional". Greg is a new Christian.". And then I put "Chris's first one:)". Ohhhhh I love it.
Knowing it is Christ who saves ...of course.. (clarification for all you loonies who always read stuff to correct the writer)....This was the first time Chris had preached and someone had responded to the Word . God be praised!
Another entry....on January 14th , 2004 I wrote...."Lord, thank you for helping Chris do so well. He feels like he wants to preach. Prepare us, Lord. Help us not waste anymore time. Help us to understand your Word. We both love you. Help our love for each other to keep growing. He's the best, Lord! Thank you for him!" ( and then I put a heart next to "him":)
And here we are now ..December 7, 2011. We are serving the Lord in full-time ministry. We like each other ...ALOT:). We love the Lord eternally!
Side note of personal rejoicing...I'M NOT PREGNANT!
Ohhhhh my goodness ...God is so good!!!
Watching couples now in our church...I ALWAYS wonder how God is preparing them to serve HIM more.....so many right on the cusp of surrendering to full-time ministry:)....
I love doing that...by the way...one of the great blessings of Pastor's wife....Watching people:)
"Be instant..in season, out of season....." 2 Timothy 4:2 KJV
I love you...I hope you are coming to "Bon Noel".
We start back our Tuesday "Community Bible Study Day" @LP the third week of January. Please..prayerfully consider joining us:)