I, with my children, am learning this "semester" about this universe God has created. I am struck again at how very much He loves us. He created this finely tuned planet in the middle of a vast and still very mysteries universe just for LIFE! He is the Resurrection and the Life. He made humankind as His prized creation. The Earth is so wondrous, so full of order, and precise calculations designed in such a way that miniscule changes would make it non-existent. Scientist, non-believers, as they discover these truths are finding it hard to deny a Creator. Nothing is made with order without a creator to create the order.
Becky mistakenly picked up the Beloved Disciple for me instead of Paul, To Live as Christ, but God had a plan as I suspected He would. He hid treasures for me in the middle of this study, things concerning the universe. Psalms 8: 3-4, When I consider Your heavens the work of Your fingers, the moon and stars, which You have set in place. What is man that you would think of him? Why would God go through so much effort to consider man? God loves us, he has created an entire planet, to sustain life for mankind. He furnished this beautiful creation to bring glory TO His name and to bring us joy. There are no mistakes when you trust God. I have been so blessed by Becky's mis-choosing for me.
I am 35. I am married to the love of my life, whom I met just before I turned 16. We dated seven years,( so I could grow up, I know you moms were very afraid), then were married. Two years later God gave me the first of unspeakable joys. I now have four precious babies, although they span a range of ten years: Mikayla age 10, Gavin age 8, Seanna age 5, and our little Truett who has just reached 15 months. We have more in our household: four turtles, which my children harvested in May as they made their trek from the woods to the pond, three dogs (two of which are puppies) Slippers, Winslow, and Dixie, a cat named Dash, a bird named Music, a potbelly pig named Patches, and at last a hermit crab. So that is in itself a handful , but there's more. I have an a job somewhere else as well , as an Aesthetician in Charlotte, 2 1/2 days a week. I homeschool my children too, with a very intense co-op on Mondays that has assignments to be completed before we return the following week. Then of course my Bible study on Tuesdays.
God gives me "manna" from heaven to meet my many obligations. God is I AM, when I am weak.
I have the privilege of making sure my homework is done each week in time to meet with a few friends on Tuesday evenings at Lee Park. We are able to discuss our answers and give our perspective and insights. Our Bible study is sweet. I so enjoy my small class because we get the opportunity to share a story or relay something God has spoken into our lives. I love that Christine rushes in trying to get to us ASAP after a rushed day of work, homework in hand, and ready to answer the very question we are discussing nearly before she has sat down. She always is such a positive energy in the room, filling it up with enthusiasm. I love how Lorraine has the face of heaven with a smile that always beams, offering a welcome of home and kindness and a love that is hard to miss. She brings such wisdom and depth to our study. Hannah and Katie I only met once, but I am so thankful to know that these young girls are already pursuing God. Lindsey is faithful, dedicated, going deeper into Gods word searching out more truth, a doctor like Luke of the Gospel, being careful not to miss small details. She appreciates the challenge of a study, and Beth, as we know, is happy to give it. Jordan is youthful, excited to pursue God, honest, and yet so insightful. She is alive with anticipation. She has a clear goal of not TRYING to be anything, but allowing God to use her just the way He has planned, being mindful of not conforming to man's expectations. Each of these women are a blessing to me. God has so much to teach me through all people. I love to find God in people, to see what God created in them and gifted them with.
Indeed life is full. God gives richly, and He is my constant help. Even typing out this blog has taken much effort. Several days, because of time and an old computer that completely erased my first attempt, which might I add was one line from finished. Of course there was the issue of quiet to think also, which is a rare occasion here as you might imagine.
I, however, will tell you that this is important to me, all of it, the Bible Study, the homework, the ladies. Becky, Lisa, Sharon, and Robin whom I have much respect, and all the fellow leaders, who in their busy lives say, "God, I am willing". Above all though, God is my greatest reason, I want to know Him more. I want to know God in the big things and in the small things. I want a relationship above all else, because that is what He wants. He is there with me when I am standing in the laundry room at the end of a long day. I am tired, and there is a mountain of dirty clothes on my left and clean on my right. I want to cry,... sometimes I do. I can't do this, it never stays DONE! But at those times, the same God of the Bible, comes near. I say, "Jesus, I need your help. Please come and give me the strength to do more." He says I AM.... able. He can do all things even help with laundry. We as mothers may think that is to small or meaningless a thing to call on Christ for. But if it is a place where you find the end of yourself, maybe because it requires such effort everyday, then He is there and willing to help YOU, His child who needs Him. He is the GREAT I AM! Yes mighty to do powerful, miraculous God-sized things, and also small mundane human things. These times are the times when Christ is so real, because He doesn't just live at church, He lives with each of us. He wants to have a relationship, not for you just to know Him from afar, but up close, FOR REAL kind of life.
He can also help you find your keys.
Ashley Tsiukes