Friday, December 30, 2011

Even the small things

Today, we introduce you to Kris Singleton. Kris is on the younger end of this "Titus 2" relationship....and keeps us on our toes! We have enjoyed seeing Kris's love for God and His Word grow. She is excited about Him and the changes He has made in her life. We love her, and know you will too.

Becky and Lisa

PS. We are very proud of her, too!!

Have you ever found yourself thinking something is too small or SILLY to pray about? I sure have, and recently the Lord really showed me how much he cares about every little detail of our life.
This year I decided to try something on my “bucket list”. A body building competition…CRAZY, I know…people really do those things?? I had always wanted to do one and realized I wasn’t getting any younger. I researched it, talked to friends who had done them and just got started, figuring things out along the way. I learned the steps I needed to take with the diet and workout and in what time frame, to look like a bodybuilder in six months. Whew, what a process it is. There was a “building” phase which consisted of eating lots of protein and lifting a ton of weights. Then a “shredding” phase which was hours of cardio and an INSANE diet, like tilapia and asparagus five times a day…for six weeks! 

Let’s just say, I went a little crazy, not a little crazy…A LOT CRAZY! I was driving myself crazy, much less everyone around me! Do you get the point….. I was CRAZY? 

I’m not sure about you, but when things get “crazy” in my life, I tend to get anxious and feel like I’m not in control. I usually start to worry and freak out about everything and in this case…cry! For example, when my diet was super strict there were many times that I busted out in tears looking at a plate of spaghetti my husband was eating and wanting to grab the fork out of his hand and inhale the entire plate! There was the time I tried to take a bite of my brother’s BBQ chicken and had a complete meltdown in front of my whole family because he said no!

Sometimes the Lord wants things to get out of control so we will turn to Him instead of trying to handle everything on our own. I realized that I had not prayed about the competition or process at all up until this point, but then thought it would be so small and silly to pray about compared to everything everyone else was going through. Really, was I going to pray “Lord, help me not to inhale the chocolate cake or cry when I see it?” 

I got so anxious at times that I wasn’t sure if I could even walk across the stage to compete even if I was ready. My anxiety was changing who I was as a person and I knew I couldn’t be a blessing or show God’s love when I was only focused on myself. My anxiety put me on my knees, and I decided that my prayers didn’t always have to be eloquent or big, but to come to Him humbly and knowing I needed Him. I prayed and gave it all to the Lord. "And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7. WOW, was there a peace. It was fun, I found it not nearly as hard as it was doing it on my own, and it wasn’t controlling me. I was excited about the competition and only because of God, I wasn’t nervous at all on the big day!

Funny thing is, the same week I gave it all over to Him, my husband (who teaches our Sunday School class) had us all share a testimony of how God has been working in our lives recently. Of course he called on me first and I was totally caught off guard, so my friend told me to share about what I have learned through the body building process. Immediately “giving it ALL to God…big and small” came to my mind and I shared the story. After class, someone came up to me and said how much they needed to hear that. I was then reminded that everything we do is to glorify Him and minister to others, even when we can’t put it all together. 

I am grateful that now when people ask what I learned from this whole body building experience, that it isn’t a specific diet or workout plan, but that I learned to give EVERYTHING to the Lord...big and small.

I am definitely not perfect at this, and probably never will be, but I encourage you to give it all to Him! Pray about it FIRST, don’t wait until everything gets CRAZY like I did. It’s a basic principle you most likely already live by, but I am so grateful He reminds us of these things even in the smallest situations.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Too busy not to do Bible study!

Today, you will meet Ashley Tsiukes. She is a lover of God's Word, with a passion for teaching it to others. As you will read, she has a VERY busy life. We usually edit posts to be a little shorter, but have not done too much editing here. You really need to read everything Ashley has to say, I know that I did. Many of you know Ashley from her service in the kitchen on Tuesday evenings. You will recognize her from the picture, as the one that served you drinks or dessert almost every week. She has a servant's heart, which is a highly valued trait in our Ladies Ministry.


I, with my children, am learning this "semester" about this universe God has created.   I am struck again at how very much He loves us. He created this finely tuned planet in the middle of a vast and still very mysteries universe just for LIFE! He is the Resurrection and the Life.  He made humankind as His prized creation.  The Earth is so wondrous, so full of order, and precise calculations designed in such a way that miniscule changes would make it non-existent.  Scientist, non-believers, as they discover these truths are finding it hard to deny a Creator. Nothing is made with order without a creator to create the order. 

Becky mistakenly picked up the Beloved Disciple for me instead of Paul, To Live as Christ, but God had a plan as I suspected He would.  He hid treasures for me in the middle of this study, things concerning the universe.   Psalms 8: 3-4, When I consider Your heavens the work of Your fingers, the moon and stars, which You have set in place. What is man that you would think of him?    Why would God go through so much effort to consider man?  God loves us, he has created an entire planet, to sustain life for mankind.  He furnished this beautiful creation to bring glory TO His name and to bring us joy. There are no mistakes when you trust God.  I have been so blessed by Becky's mis-choosing for me. 

I am 35. I am married to the love of my life, whom I met just before I turned 16.  We dated seven years,( so I could grow up, I know you moms were very afraid), then were married.  Two years later God gave me the first of unspeakable joys.  I now have four precious babies, although they span a range of ten years: Mikayla age 10, Gavin age 8, Seanna age 5, and our little Truett who has just reached 15 months.  We have more in our household: four turtles, which my children harvested in May as they made their trek from the woods to the pond,  three dogs (two of which are puppies) Slippers, Winslow, and Dixie, a cat named Dash, a bird named Music, a potbelly pig named Patches, and at last a hermit crab.  So that is in itself a handful , but there's more.  I have an a job somewhere else as well , as an Aesthetician in Charlotte, 2 1/2 days a week.  I homeschool my children too, with a very intense co-op on Mondays that has assignments to be completed before we return the following week. Then of course my Bible study on Tuesdays.

God gives me "manna" from heaven to meet my many obligations. God is I AM, when I am weak. 

I have the privilege of making sure my homework is done each week in time to meet with a few friends on Tuesday evenings at Lee Park. We are able to discuss our answers and give our perspective and insights. Our Bible study is sweet.  I so enjoy my small class because we get the opportunity to share a story or relay something God has spoken into our lives. I love that Christine rushes in trying to get to us ASAP after a rushed day of work, homework in hand, and ready to answer the very question we are discussing nearly before she has sat down.  She always is such a positive energy in the room, filling it up with enthusiasm.  I love how Lorraine has the face of heaven with a smile that always beams, offering a welcome of home and kindness and a love that is hard to miss. She brings such wisdom and depth to our study.   Hannah and Katie I only met once, but I am so thankful to know that these young girls are already pursuing God.  Lindsey is faithful, dedicated, going deeper into Gods word searching out more truth, a doctor like Luke of the Gospel, being careful not to miss small details. She appreciates the challenge of a study, and Beth, as we know, is happy to give it.  Jordan is youthful, excited to pursue God, honest, and yet so insightful. She is alive with anticipation.  She has a clear goal of not TRYING to be anything, but allowing God to use her just the way He has planned, being mindful of not conforming to man's expectations.  Each of these women are a blessing to me.  God has so much to teach me through all people. I love to find God in people, to see what God created in them and gifted them with.

Indeed life is full. God gives richly, and He is my constant help. Even typing out this blog has taken much effort.  Several days, because of time and an old computer that completely erased my first attempt, which might I add was one line from finished. Of course there was the issue of quiet to think also, which is a rare occasion here as you might imagine.

I, however, will tell you that this is important to me, all of it, the Bible Study, the homework, the ladies.  Becky, Lisa, Sharon, and Robin whom I have much respect, and all the fellow leaders, who in their busy lives say, "God, I am willing".  Above all though, God is my greatest reason, I want to know Him more.  I want to know God in the big things and in the small things.  I want a relationship above all else, because that is what He wants. He is there with me when I am standing in the laundry room at the end of a long day.   I am tired, and there is a mountain of dirty clothes on my left and clean on my right.  I want to cry,... sometimes I do.  I can't do this, it never stays DONE!  But at those times, the same God of the Bible, comes near. I say, "Jesus, I need your help. Please come and give me the strength to do more."  He says I AM.... able.   He can do all things even help with laundry.  We as mothers may think that is to small or meaningless a thing to call on Christ for.  But if it is a place where you find the end of yourself, maybe because it requires such effort everyday, then He is there and willing to help YOU, His child who needs Him.  He is the GREAT I AM!  Yes mighty to do powerful, miraculous God-sized things, and also small mundane human things.  These times are the times when Christ is so real, because He doesn't just live at church, He lives with each of us.  He wants to have a relationship, not for you just to know Him from afar, but up close, FOR REAL kind of life.

 He can also help you find your keys.
Ashley Tsiukes

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Every day.......He is faithful......

Hey Everybody!

I hope you all are having a great morning.  Chris and I had some extra quiet time this morning (late nights at the church for "Bon Noel" have made for slow starts by the Justice kids).   Chris made some spectacular over-medium eggs today  and I made some strong coffee.  I love early quiet times this time of the year around the Christmas tree:). Last year...when it wasn't  73 in December..Chris would make a fire for our time, too.  

I pulled out one of my old prayer journals, one my sister Cathy gave me, and read over what I was praying about in 2002..2003 and 2004.  (I'm not much of a faithful journal(er) one can last me a few years:)....)  I enjoyed reading it so much.  Life was much different then.  Chris was still at the TV station.  I was pregnant for Ty during that time.  My Daddy was really sick with his Parkinson's, and had made his last trip to Charlotte before he went to be with the Lord.  My sister Karen was facing raising four kids alone...We hadn't a family..anything this difficult since the passing of my brother, Tommy.  We all love Karen...Chris was out of sports anchoring and not traveling with Ball teams as much..which allowed us to be home and better church members.  We were at church as much as we could be .  We loved all things Hickory Grove Baptist Church.  Still do.  We had faithful pastors who stayed on us to go deeper and provided us with service opportunities to show we were serious.   It was the best of times...amidst some very hard personal times.

My favorite little finding in my journalwas on April 10th, 2003
"Chris went to speak to the prisoners of "Rowan Corectional".  Greg is a new Christian.". And then I put "Chris's first one:)".  Ohhhhh I love it.

Knowing it is Christ who saves ...of course.. (clarification for all you loonies who always read stuff to correct the writer)....This was the first time Chris had preached and someone had responded to the Word .  God be praised!

Another entry....on January 14th , 2004 I wrote...."Lord, thank you for helping Chris do so well.  He feels like he wants to preach.  Prepare us, Lord.  Help us not waste anymore time.  Help us to understand your Word.  We both love you.  Help our love for each other to keep growing.  He's the best, Lord!  Thank you for him!" ( and then I put a heart next to "him":)

And here we are now ..December 7, 2011.  We are serving the Lord in full-time ministry.  We like each other ...ALOT:).  We love the Lord eternally!  

Side note of personal rejoicing...I'M NOT PREGNANT!

Ohhhhh my goodness ...God is so good!!!

Watching couples now in our church...I ALWAYS wonder how God is preparing them to serve HIM many right on the cusp of surrendering to full-time ministry:).... 
I love doing the of the great blessings of Pastor's wife....Watching people:)

"Be season, out of season....."  2 Timothy 4:2 KJV

I love you...I hope you are coming to "Bon Noel".  

We start back our Tuesday "Community Bible Study Day" @LP the third week of January.  Please..prayerfully consider joining us:)


Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday's Random Thoughts:)  blog"

Hey Everybody!

Waiting for Chris to come home from work. 

I want to share many things and there will be zero order to them.  I am about to put that "plucking things from the air" on display. Hang on!

- A man at church asked me..after our Wednesday night "Heirs Together" class.. if I was on lithium...I googled it and I am not and would not... 

- We had our staff retreat to plan for the year  at LP...Young Landon..Our youth pastor ...refused a "free of charge" birds and the bees talk from his Pastor's wife....He is getting married in March.....and I must make him listen.:)

-Jordan and Caroline...Caroline and Jordan(don't want them to think I have a favorite) did so good in Volleyball...I always dreamed of athletic children. Yay!

- My in-laws are coming for Thanksgiving.(I need Chocolate)

-Chris is cute...even the older version..."Go Honey!"

-The "McRib" is nasty!

- "Bon Noel" is almost sold-out!

-We are starting two new six week ladies studies at LP ..on Tuesday the 15th of the church office to sign-up 704.289.4674

-Recipe for some great pork roast(my sister Cathy's recipe)
Pork loin...seasoned with salt/pepper/garlic salt/onion salt/teriyaki sauce
Put in the crockpot...and then use the drippings with cream of mushroom for gravy...awesome with Mashed potatoes with butter/cream cheese mixed it:)

-the crockpot is my favorite kitchen item!

- We had so many people at church yesterday:)

-Preacher Latta had his name on his socks.

-I got some new shoes in the mail today from a church better way to show appreciation....mad at someone them ugly shoes:)

[HOW I know I am serious about a relationship with the Lord...
-I can actually(only by His grace) slow down this moving mind...have a quiet time(some days a lot of them) .... listen to the Lord and read His Word...focusing only on Him!

The Christian Life is grand, indeed!

Love you, ladies(just kidding about ugly shoes...but Birkenstock's are ugly..if you need some ugly)

Come to church!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jasmine Lloyd Part 2 "When Life Gives You Lemons"

Hey Everybody!
This is Part 2 of Jasmine's Blog.  If you missed Part 1, scroll down and read it first.  If you are interested in having the girls come speak....Contact us at ladies

We love you Jasmine, Holly and Alex.  Thanks for sharing your story.  God be honored and Praised!

Then one of the twelve, whose name was Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What will you give me if I deliver Him over to you?” And they paid him thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment, he sought an opportunity to betray Him. – Matthew 26:14-16 

Jesus and Judas

When I think back on those days now
What I remember the most was what you told me about Christ,
That He came for the sick, not the healthy,
That I, your daughter, was sickest of all,
Your most likely candidate for Judas.

To me, you were Jesus.
Partly because you said so, 
And partly because I was six years old,
My impression of Jesus not yet formed.

I watched you rip pages of Scripture
From the old and beaten Bible you owned, 
Crushing holy psalms in your doughy fists,
And placing them in your mouth, swallowing whole. 
“I am the word of God,” you said,
“While I live, this Bible is obsolete.” 
And that would be the end of it,
Although secretly I wondered 
How those God-breathed words tasted on your tongue,
And how you could stand there, in righteous hypocrisy
Calling me the hated one of God. 

I do not think I was born a Judas,
But because you believed it so strongly,
Could have sworn it on your dying breath,
There were times where I felt 
The pieces of silver in my hand
Burning round circles onto my flesh. 
It was easy, in those moments,
To know what to do, exactly how to betray you.

A poem so dangerously honest, written by my youngest sister, Alex Trice. This poem reflects pieces of our lives, as we grew up in a closed world of godlessness, hopelessness and absolute despair.
In a more professional term, my sisters and I were deemed victims of human trafficking, which is a term for modern day slavery. We fall more into the category of “labored trafficking victims”.  Though our stories do not fit into the grander scheme of this global crime, the signs and symptoms of this case clearly stated we were.
I have two sisters, Holly and Alex. Our bond cannot be broken as sisters…to clarify though, Holly and I are blood sisters born in the London, and Alex was adopted from Hong Kong when she was 2. Our mothers were in some form and fashion “tricked” into giving away their children on empty promises made by a very charismatic English lady stating that their daughters will have a grand life full of opportunities and memories…
Opportunities you wonder…yes….we had opportunities, opportunities to serve this middle aged woman who believed she was Christ and all things god…Opportunities to fulfill our “calling” in life as her disciples…at what 5, 7 and 11 years old? Sounds crazy doesn’t it…but it is all true…
Memories…what kind of memories you may wonder…those filled with restricted communication with the outside world, no friends, no school…just domestic labour, physical and mental abuse.
This woman whom I’ll refer to as M, developed a relationship with our mothers, but a one sided relationship where she was in control of decisions and responses,  to the point where our mums were literally tricked into thinking their daughters would have an amazing safe life…that they just could not afford in their wildest dreams.
To wrap our story as short as possible, my sisters and I lived 13 years within the confines of M’s hole, before any authorities were notified. Neighbors couldn’t tell if we were boys or girls, since our hair was always buzzed short as a method of punishment.
Our living conditions were deplorable, we had no official education except for the Jane Austen’s, Thomas Hardy, Dictionaries and yes even Scripture…we had opportunity to enrich our minds, but reading, writing and singing became an outlet, an escape. (I’m sorry to have to do this…but I just have to add a picture of Mr Darcy…)
 Scripture in this hole was always abused; we were not allowed to read it for what it was. It was dictated by M to have it say what she wanted it to say. She twisted it and turned truths to lies, and absolutely to this day believes she is Christ, the lord and god. 
December 21st, 2005, DSS of Union County followed a report to our hole in Monroe, assessed the situation, found this bizarre story to be completely true, and basically whisked my sisters and me away. The supervisor for that case, Tanya Meachum was our passage out --for some reason (God) we bonded and haven’t been able to break that bond, praise the Lord!
M supposedly fled the country 3 days later, and was eventually captured by authorities in Bulgaria in 2009. It has been about two years since M has been incarcerated here in the US, and probably as I ‘m writing…Judges and court officials in charge prepare to make a final decision as to what her outcome is to be—release from jail and then be deported, or remain in incarceration.
Here is what I see. It has taken some time, digesting, thinking and praying, but my sisters and I have seen the Hand of God work. It is by the Grace of God we can now pull out our bibles and read it for exactly what it says. By the Grace of God, I sit here and type to you all, revealing how God can take the hopeless and make them hopeful.
God has had His hand over the three of us the whole time…as I look over the course of my life…I can see how my sisters and I were protected and provided for. One of our many saving graces were each other, God knew exactly what we needed to pull through and we took advantage of that gift… leaned on each other for support, love and sanity. After 13 years of H…e…double hockey sticks…we are not insane…at least not by professional standards. :D

Our new lives began, full of self discovery, mental growth, emotional stability, spiritual renewal and strength. We saw life as if we’d seen it for the first time…we cried when we went to the GED school in Wadesboro, because it looked like a prison and we thought we’d be dead by day 1...(uhhummm…Holly)…we always believed we would ALWAYS get an F on a school assignment and end up with a miraculous A…(ummmm…Alex.) I happen to always come out to be the perfect one…the one who was not leaving anywhere with very sweet and kind church girls (wanting to be friends)…inviting to buy me a coffee at La Vida Mocha…(because I really had no idea how to handle that interaction). Now I can’t stay away from coffee houses and I have no problem talking to anyone…you either need earplugs, or an extra pair of clean socks. :D
In the last 6 years or so, all us sisters have completed our high school education, whether that was graduating from an actual highschool holding the 6th spot in the whole school, or graduating with a GED…even if we maybe had to take the math portion of the test…twice.  
Alex has been blessed to go to an awesome Communication School in Greensboro, called Elon. Holly studied at the Johnson and Wales in Charlotte…she also has a one year marital anniversary coming up! I am currently in a nursing program…plodding away.
One of many miracles was that the three of us got a real loving family, along with three awesome brothers. We are one big, loud family…hungry for God, love, knowledge and laughter. We have had opportunities to reunite with our biological mothers and build a new life with a long lasting relationship. All of this was possible by the Grace of God…trusting Him all the way. Following Him all the way opens up opportunities we never imagined possible.
There are two ways to respond to situations in your life; one as a non believer without hope, the other is as believer in Christ—full of hope to no end. My sisters and I have chosen to take our situation and praise God for all He has done, recognize that we are stronger because of it, and know that God truly will not give you more than you can handle…and as human beings we can handle more than we think. I love the book of James, it teaches us how to respond in life. I love that my sisters and I gave our hearts and lives to Christ. I love that even when we fall down—make mistakes, God does not turn his back on us or mock us. I love my life.
My sisters and I give our testimonies to churches around various counties and small groups which end with a couple of songs of praise.  What a delight to acknowledge God, to give Him all the credit, glory and thanks for our lives…to live it to the fullest, and to share the Grace He bestowed upon us with everyone who will hear!
Romans 8:28

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Bad Text....Provides an Opening to Share a Good God.....

Hey Everybody!  We appreciate so much the kind words about our Ladies Ministry Blog.  I have enjoyed so much hearing from all our LM teachers and we look forward to sharing more with you.  It has been fun to be a little silly too.  "Christianity is cool and fun:) is how Chris Justice would say it.  

I wanted to share something with you.
   A few months back , I had this young student from NC State text my phone by accident.  He had entered his friends number into his own phone incorrectly ...and the "incorrectly" was my cell phone number.  For a few months he would text things that were obviously not meant for me, or from anyone I knew.  I usually just ignored them.

 In one of his text he used a ...well...ahh...he used a less than word.  Being my "can't resist an opportunity to Mother" self,  I texted back. ... "Hey..I'm not a dude and maybe don't say the "d" word :) and have a great day!".....  Scared as to what kind of response I would get, I was pleasantly surprised to get right back a quick apology text.  He informed me that he was a nice boy and didn't normally talk that way.

  I liked that immediately.  He told me where he was going to school and I told him about being a preacher's wife and a mother of four.  Chris, the kids, all of us immediately started praying for him.  I asked him if he went to church.  He said he didn't now but had before.  He had now decided that church and God were not for him.  He had been through quite a bit of loss in his life and just wasn't sure God cared.  He believed God created everything but that was it.
I said a prayer to the Lord...."Thank you, Lord for P...Use us, Lord to lead him to a saving knowledge of You..Help me to be bold for You, Lord.   Help me to show this young man Your love.  Thank you for pursuing, P.  Help him to respond.  Help him to repent and live for you. "

Then, I shared my faith in Christ Jesus.  I told P of the Lord's personal nature.  I told him so many things about the Lord, and I loved it.  I loved expressing a love for a young man I had not met, but being able to act as if I had.  Salvation in Christ Jesus can make us fearless in these situations.  It can give us a real love for the lost.  

I tried not to "freak" the boy out:)....BUT man! ...The Lord was coming after him hard......and my earnestness to remind him of that fact was too.......  How exciting.   Our loving..pursuing Lord is the greatest...and that He let's us as He would...share and remind others of His grace....."What?"....It is Amazing!

I am still loving on this young man.  He has not yet asked Jesus to be His Savior.  He sure sounds and acts like a young man that is on the cusp of responding to the Lord.   

Will you pray for him?

Have you ever known you must share your Faith in Christ with someone the Lord placed in your path?...So much so ...that you have an ache....(a really good excited ache...God is going to do it ache) ......I'm praying that you and I walk in boldness to share Christ at every turn.....That our hearts would ache for the lost...I asked the Lord to forgive me for not sharing more and responding to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to share more.  I can be guilty, in recent days, of only being bold with those who come through the doors of Lee Park.  I asked the Lord to forgive me of that too .

I hope you have the best day!

Blessed by the Lord's words  in the "Sermon on the Mount"....Matthew 5:14-16

Monday, October 17, 2011

Will I Ever Learn?


Today we want you to meet Donna Rodgers. Donna is teaching Beth Moore's When Godly People Do Ungodly Things for our Tuesday Community Bible Study. Many of you that have been to any type of event at Lee Park, or for that matter Sunday Worship, already know Donna, but may not know that you do. Donna is the Director of Lee Park's Drama Ministry in our Worship Department. She writes most of the fabulous scripts for Sunday mornings, as well as the scripts for Bon Noel, Friday Night Live, the Sweetheart Banquet, etc. She is VERY talented. She is married to Wayne, who also serves in the technical arts side of the Worship Department....and he is very good at what he does! They are a wonderful couple to know. They are the proud parents of two young adult daughters. One of their daughters is married and expecting their first grandchild in a couple of months....just ask them about it, and they will beam! Donna is a wonderful writer, director, teacher....and wise friend. We know you will love her too.


Before the year 2011 comes to a close in fewer weeks than we can fathom already, I will celebrate my 50th birthday.  Wow…that was an out-of-body experience putting down in writing for the first time!  The fact is, my age never bothers me.  As my husband likes to say, “It beats the alternative!” (Humorously said, of course…especially since as believers, we have something far greater to look forward to beyond this life on earth).  

To be honest, my daughters’ aging is much harder for me to come to terms with than my own aging.  Those baby and toddler years really are fleeting as so many mothers much farther down the mother path tried to tell me.  I should have stressed less and enjoyed more their moments of childhood which at the time seemed unending, but now are as a blink of the eye. I should have joined them more in fun expressions of abandon and laughter during their adolescence instead of sweating the small stuff as I did.  Ahh, hindsight…why couldn’t you have been foresight instead?

But that does not mean I do not reflect…take stock…inspect…my heart and life at these milestone years of my own life.  I do, indeed, examine where I am, what I’ve accomplished, what my failings were and what I learned from those times.  Do you want to know the main thing I have learned after being a 50 year “life student”?

Here it is:  I still have SO much to learn!  

Even with as much studying, application, and hands-on training I’ve had in life, I am still no expert!  I am still merely a student, learning as I go, filled with questions that each new change and turn in life seems to bring to the surface.  About the time I think I have something figured out, God reveals just how much more I still have to learn.

Now, please don’t mistake what I am saying.  This is a good thing!  It’s not about being “smart or dumb”…it’s about desiring to know more and challenging ourselves to care enough to search for the answers.  As I apply this to my spiritual life, the more I read the scriptures, the more I become acutely aware that I don’t know near as much as I would like to think I do!  But, since I desire to know my Lord and Savior as much as He will allow me, I challenge myself to learn more about Him through reading His Word, praying to Him, and (the thing I have difficulty doing the most) taking the time to be still and listen to Him.  I pray I never lose that desire and drive in my spirit.

So, for those who are a few steps ahead of me, I’m sure you are thinking, “Yeah…I already knew that!”, and I thank God for that, and for you.  For those just a few paces behind me or right beside me on this walk, keep that desire stirred and that drive active.  Chances are, you’ll pass me up!  And for those of you just starting this journey of discovery, I hope you listen and learn from those who have gone on before you in God’s wisdom and truth, and be encouraged you are not finding yourself in a lonely isolated situation of learning. 

We are all students of our Lord.  We must share what we learn, in love, with one another.  No matter your age (chronological or spiritual), there is someone in need of hearing what you have learned.  Pass it along!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday Whine??

"Wednesday Whine"?

Doesn't that sound like a good name for a weekly blog series.  How about "Tuesday Takedown"?  Is this something you would read?  It might not be what you were expecting from a preacher's wife.  I pitched the idea to Chris (great looking pastor on poster picture below) last night. 

He nixed it ...obliterated it, really.  I don't think I had my plan pulled together enough...I should of prepared more before I pitched the idea.  In previous days of our marriage, I might of just went ahead with the plan and asked for forgiveness later.  I have been around too long(in trouble enough) to think I would succeed in that plan.  Here's how the conversation went:

Me: "Hey Babe "(evidently, my tone was that of ornery)

Chris: " What Bec"(He uses my name when he can smell manipulation)

Me: " I had an idea about something for the blog" (changed my voice to sweet ness to accommodate my manipulative plan..I may have touched his arm..turned my head sideways and smiled...I excel at lame:)

Chris: What is it? ( non-committal ......fully aware of my ways)

Me:" How about I change names ...of course...but can I put up some of the emails we get at the church in the negative fashion....(Chris walking away tuning me out) .....dissect them and point out how wrong those folks are for hating Lee Park(a little dramatic on my part) and us.......please may I ...I have a name for it?"

Chris: " " .....( I know ..I think it is rude to have empty quotes too ...I mean I had a name and everything and nothing from him...nothing!!!!:)

Me: "Are you thinking about it?"

Chris: " Let's go over our Wednesday night stuff for our many verses are we using" ( had to bring the Bible in) .....

And that is pretty much what Chris thinks of my plan.  Daggoneit....I was gonna change the names....Who would ever guess who Monique (soap opera name) is??? 

And that right there a my husband!

He really does love people....even angry..disgruntled ...and even those showing great endurance for their disgruntledness by sending emails.....The boy is godly even in the privacy of our home. 

Well, and just like Tuesday takedown and no Wednesday whine.....I really did go into the conversation thinking he would just limit me to one day....that he would only let me have one title.....ohh, I am kidding!  ....I knew there was no way I would succeed.

Chris is very human....I ...(especially when someone spouts about my hubby) can be very human....Things hurt...bad!!! ....and we discuss it with each other.
BUT God is very good! 

When we seek Him ...we really do find understanding....people may be putting our faces on their issue...but their real issue is the gospel.  As long as Chris is faithful to be an expository preacher...preaching the text.  We can be certain we will have those who don't like us....."it is what it is" (one of our favorite things to say to each other).....This side of Heaven ...people will still get mad and they will still use email.....

Well ..I will go back to the drawing board and look for some other series ideas.  I might ask Chris' asst., Judy first and see if she can help tighten up my sales pitch. 

We love the Lord ,most!  We must have different responses...I am prone to the world's takedown/whine response...but following my husband's lead and running hard after the Lord....I have those responses less and less. 

Loving people...even mouthy ones....really is better feels good!

Thankful the Lord insists upon it!

"Preach the Word...Love the People" .....much better than "Wednesday Whine" or "Tuesday Takedown"

Much love everyone!(even to you angry ones)

What's it like to be married to me?


Today you will get to hear from Mary Armstrong. Mary is a fabulous Bible teacher and a great and caring friend to all that meet her. She is married to Gene, and mom to Erika, another of our Bible study facilitators, and Nataley. She is a hair stylist with a shop at her home, as well as a homeschool mom. Somewhere in her spare time (ha!) is able to read a lot of wonderful books that she suggests to us, and she has not been wrong about a great book yet! Today she is sharing with you, too. We know you will love Mary!

Have you ever found yourself asking the question, "What would it be like to be married to a millionaire?..........a celebrity?  Or maybe you idealize a husband that appears to do all the right things and that showers his wife with love, gifts, and affection?

The fact is daily wedded life can be difficult for some of us and mundane for others.  When that is the case it is easy to imagine what marriage would be like for us if we were in a different set of circumstances or even married to someone else.  But as I heard someone humorously say, "The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence because there is a septic  tank there." On a much more serious note, it is vitally important that we learn to ask the right questions concerning the role God has placed us in as a wife.

One question you may not have  asked yourself is found in Linda Dillow's excellent, new book on marriage.  This gifted author makes us realize that instead of fantasizing on the "perfect" mate we would like to have, we need to be asking our own self some life-changing questions.  The first and foremost being, "What's it like to be married to me?"  Did I hear an "ouch" echoing along with mine?
From this pertinent question derives the name of Dillow's highly recommended book: What's It Like to be Married to Me?...and Other Dangerous Questions.

We all know what we would like our husbands to be like.  And sometimes we go around assuming the role of our spouse's  "personal holy spirit", advisor, and maybe even fashion consultant, without any solicitation on his part. As I read this book I was convicted, and at the same time liberated to realize I am only accountable for myself and obeying God's design for me as a wife.  God didn't call me to change my husband, but He did call me to love him, respect him, and submit to his leadership as I allow the Holy Spirit to transform me. I am convinced Satan tempts us to try to change other people in order to divert us from focusing on the only one we are responsible for allowing God to change - ourselves.

No matter where you are in your marriage...if you already have a great one, or if you are barely holding on by a thread, this book will convict, challenge, and infuse hope into your soul.  It is filled with God's Truth and real-life stories of women who chose to "dangerously" inquire, "What's It Like to Be Married to Me?" ....and then have the courage to answer it.

I hope you will consider making this book a must-read....God's Word will breathe renewed life into your marriage...the grass on your side of the fence will grow a little greener....and when onlookers see it they will find the transformation taking place comes from God's Word instead of a septic tank!

Monday, October 3, 2011

When Life Gives You Lemons: A Testimony of God's Power

Meet Jasmine!

I want to introduce her to you, but I am gonna let her tell her story in a series of blogs.  You are gonna love her like I do, her smile alone is reason enough.  She and her two sisters, Holly and Alex, are so dear to me.  That the Lord entrusted them to us at Lee Park is one of the greatest blessing.  All I will say is ...after her testimony it is impossible to not consider there is a God ...and He is so loving ...protecting ...pursuing ...and keeping!  Every time I have the blessing of being with this girls...I walk away saying "Only You, Lord!" 

Love you, Jazzy!


My name is Jasmine. I live in a very rural part of North Carolina. I’ve been in the States close to 10 years, but was born in London, UK. I left London at the age of 11 and moved to Spain-- where I lived until the age of 18. I’ve had quite a journey getting to where I am today, a journey I would never have picked out for myself, but had I not traveled it, experienced it, I highly doubt I would know the true Lord and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. 

My life prior to surrendering to Christ, can be reduced to some of life’s sayings, such as; “When life throws you lemons, make lemonade…” or “What doesn’t kill you, will only make you stronger…” or “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me…” You get the picture.

I would like to add some scripture from The Bible…had these been plastered to my heart and soul as as a younger woman, a young girl, I’m sure I would have slept and awoken with a better sense of peace confidence, and hope;
Hebrews 11:3: By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.
Romans 8:28: And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Please stick around to hear back from me! I have so much more to say; I will reveal my past…the people involved, the situation in which God intervened, and my life now as a believer…and as I tell myself sometimes, there by the Grace of God go I.

For all you busy working women, Tanya (my mum) and I are teaching a class this Fall and are thrilled to get a chance to fellowship, laugh and more importantly grow in our walk and development of our mind and spirit for the work of Christ. Bearing in mind we have to get up at 6am, feed the children, take them to school, go to work, (or in my case, no children…but still get up at 6am and go to school myself J ) we will be in and out in an hour. Time is precious and we won’t dedicate it to praying for sick toes and nasty looking scratches…if you know what I mean. 

Tanya and I both love to have fun, pick at each other (lovingly) and have true heart to heart “talks on the back porch” with a cup of good fresh coffee. Can’t wait to meet you all!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Tuesday at Lee Park!

Driving to the mountains for the night.  A nice church member couldn't use their timeshare so they gave it to us .  No worries..We have plenty of folks who get mad at us to keep us humble.  This won't change us...even if the resort is fancy.  Ohhhh I am kidding!!!

We had the best first week of Bible studies.   Ladies were everywhere..We are calling  it "Community day" at Lee Park...We were amazed at all the ladies coming from other churches.  We did put Lee Park bumper stickers on all their cars ...but we held true to our not asking them to visit Lee Park on a Sunday ...kidding again!

I loved being around the campus cooking all day Tuesday. Chris had close to thirty men on their lunch break and devotions with the pastor.  They had the best dessert of the day..Chocolate pudding cake with cool whip/ pudding/chocolate chip icing.  Boys are so funny serving themselves.  Lisa remarked how lost some of them were without their wives.:).  Ashea Griffin made the greatest sweet tea ever.  The men left filled in every possible way.  If any of your husbands are in the Monroe area at lunchtime...we would love to have them...starts at 12 and ends at 12:45.

The greatest thrill of the day was speaking with all our teachers after their first class.  We have spent most of our Summer meeting and preparing for the day.  Humble smile after humble smile from all of them.  Amazed and awed at the goodness of the Lord.  I love those ladies so much and love serving them and you.   They all looked for ways to help in the kitchen and were all so appreciative for the opportunity to serve.  Only God brings that kind of unity with ladies...Thank you, Lord!

It is still not too late for you to come.  Message us and we will get you plugged in a class.

"Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will exalt you" James 4:10

Thanks to everyone for their kindness in hard work ...and all honor and praise to King Jesus!!!!

I may have just found something to silence me immediately ..the "Hot Now" sign on our route:):)


Monday, September 26, 2011

Have You Read Your Bible Today?

Hey,  Everybody!!
Tomorrow is the day!  We are starting our thirteen Ladies Bible studies at Lee Park.    Sign-ups have been amazing.....the Lord does so many things in such a way that you are left with only one choice.... "Give HIM all praise and honor." Tomorrow's enrollment= "Give the Lord all praise and honor" !!!!!

I am praying for all our teachers/facilitators.  We have all ages teaching and all levels of years of faith in Christ Jesus.  I am of the big belief that leading/ facilitating a Ladies Bible study is something you don't have to wait to throw people into. All we need is a willing heart, a belief that God's Word provides every answer, a surrendered heart to Jesus and that you have finished two in depth Bible studies.  We don't have all the answers and we say "we don't know" when we don't ...and we take the question to the pastor. 

Today, meet one of our newest facilitators, Aleque James.  I love Aleque.  She and Kris Singleton will be leading the Kelly Minter, "Ruth" study.  They are both young and poke fun at this old woman.  They keep me youthful through smart, but funny text messages.  I love them both, and thank the Lord for their faithfulness to study God's Word.  Watching God firm up Aleque' resolve to trust His Word has brought great joy the last year...and was a great encouragement to my own faith.  Aleque and her husband, Stu, are expecting their second child.  Aleque is an optometrist running an office in Rock Hill.  She is very busy with her adorable son, Logan.....BUT yet she is teaching a Bible study!!!!!woohoo!!! I like that set of priorities :)

Thanks Aleque...I love you!


Last year, a dear friend of mine, my pastor's wife,  gave me the "One Year Bible."  It was to help me establish a routine of reading my Bible daily, as well as gaining more application insight.  I've always had a Bible close to my reach throughout my life, but unfortunately not spent near as much time developing my understanding and love for God's Word as I should have.

After I was given this specific Bible last year, I committed to reading daily as well as finishing the Bible in one calendar year.  I cannot adequately express in words the magnitude that it has changed my life.  As I read daily, I am so often amazed at what a beautiful piece of work the Bible is and how awazing our Creator is as well.  God had an amazing plan even from the beginning... In every chapter of the Bible God is simply saying "I Love You".  The more I read, the more I realize I do not know.

There are so many wonderful stories of love, loss, forgiveness, redemption, and faithfulness from our ever-loving Father.  The amazing thing is that they are not just stories, they were real people in history, just like you and me.  I have learned more in the last year by spending intimate time in God's Word than I could have ever imagined that I did not know.  Having said that, I can now see what more there is to learn and that we will never know it all.  That's one amazing part of the personal relationship we have with God.  We can always strengthen our knowledge, love, and relationship, despite where we find ourselves.  There is always room for growth. I saw a great difference with this in my own life as I began to search and read the Bible consistently.

I encourage each of you to start somewhere and take a step in obedience by reading the Bible daily if you are not already.  I promise you will not regret this decision and God will honor your committment.  It will be worth it one day to be able to finish the Bible in a year, even if it takes until 11:00pm on December 31st as it did myself :) I cannot think of a better way to ring in the New Year!!!

If you are willing to take Aleque's read the Bible in one year.....we would love to help you out. Just as Becky and the Ladies Ministry did for Aleque, we would love to do for you. Comment and let us know you want to accept the challenge, and we will get you a One Year Bible that takes the Bible and puts it in a one year reading plan for you, all in one place. Take the challenge, you'll be glad you did!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Body of Christ

Hey Ladies! ( and Men that like ladies:)

We are going to be busy on the blog for the next two weeks introducing you to our Bible study teachers / facilitators for the Fall semester of Ladies Bible studies at Lee Park.  

Today, meet Sharon York .  Sharon is not a Lee Park church member but she has been a faithful member of Tuesday Community Bible study day at Lee Park for a few years.  I have had Sharon in many of my classes.  My only hesitation in asking Sharon to teach last year was that I knew I would miss having her in the study I was teaching ...Thankfully, the Lord doesn't let you get away with that kind of selfishness:).  Sharon is bold for the Lord.  She is a beautiful woman.  She is a godly wife and mother.  We have a lot of fun with Sharon.  We don't get much time with Sharon, but our love for the Word of God unites us.  We have been tempted many times to ask Sharon to come to Lee Park and yet again, the Lord does not let me get away with that selfish behavior either.  God is doing a mighty work in Union County and Sharon already attends a good church.  Now. If she were attending a bad church..We wouldn't hesitate:).........We love you, Sharon...Thank you for your testimony!

"For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the 
body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many."  1 Corinthians 12:12-14

That verse has always been dear to me. But in the last year it has taken on even more meaning. Why, you might wonder? 
I am a member of Unionville Baptist Church where my family and I have been for more than 5 years. In that time I have seen my daughter come to know the Lord, followed by my son, and then the Lord tenderly spoke to my husband and he gave his heart and life to Him as well. My husband serves on the Deacon Board and I teach a Ladies Sunday School Class. We love it there. 

And on Tuesdays, you will find me teaching Bible study at Lee Park. I have to say, I love Lee Park. I am as excited on Tuesdays to be at Lee Park as I am on Sundays and Wednesdays to be at Unionville. The reason is, I serve the same God no matter the church. As a matter of fact, God doesn't set us apart according to the church of which we are a member. He sees us as the body, one body with one purpose to worship and glorify Him. 

I believe that at Lee Park, Pastor Chris and Becky's vision goes much further than the walls of Lee Park. Their vision reaches a community, a city, and a world that needs the Light of Jesus. How do you reach a world for person at a time, loving them and discipling them until they are ready to be fishers of men and women themselves. I believe God has richly blessed their vision to see past a church. Although I am a member at another church, one thing remains the same....we love the same Jesus. Actually, He makes my heart smile. I love that about Him. I love the women who come to study His Word, they are all so different, each one unique, but with one purpose in know Him and to make Him known. One body, many members. All coming together to glorify Jesus. 

Your Sister In Christ, 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Is God’s Word Alive and Real to You?

It's time for another guest blogger!! Today we have the privilege of introducing you to Robin Gagne'. Robin is part of the Ladies Ministry leadership team and teaches Bible study on Tuesdays, as well as works in AWANA on Wednesday. She is a homeschool mom to three children, and wife to Jeff, our Chairman of the Deacons at Lee Park. She is kind, sweet, godly and an all around wonderful person. To know Robin is to love her, we know you will too......................Lisa 

I have always loved the Bible.  However, earlier in my life it wasn’t always as real to me.  Especially when I would just read my Bible for about 5 or 10 minutes a day. It just seemed like a duty instead, my Christian duty that is.  

God’s desire for us all is close relationship with Him--to know Him and continue to grow in our relationship with Him. I thank God for providing the way to deepen my relationship with Him through my first Bible Study, which happened to be a Beth Moore study.  The church where I attended “MOPS” (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) meetings, when my oldest was only an infant, had a wonderful ladies ministry and offered Bible Studies. 

Bible Study opened up a whole new world for me!  That is all it took to ignite my desire within to dig into God’s Word.  Bible study brought the Bible to life and encouraged me to study longer, as well as apply God’s truths to my life like I had never done before. I discovered how amazing and exciting the Bible truly is!  Gathering together with other ladies to discuss God’s Word really gave me the accountability to stay focused and grow despite my temptation to rush my time in God’s Word or to skip days reading the Bible all together. 

Now, even after more than 20 different studies, I have found that I have only begun to scratch the surface— because, the more I learn about God’s Word, the more I understand how little I actually know about Him and how much more I need to learn.  Bible study gives me the desire to continue studying so that I can know God better and better!  

God’s Word speaks to us individually and changes our lives no matter how many times we read His Word!  We are so blessed here at Lee Park to have the opportunity and choices of so many great Bible studies!  Our hearts’ desire here in Ladies Ministry is for everyone to grow more and more in Christ’s love through God’s Word.  Jesus is everything and our answer to all that life brings our way.  Only God’s Word can give us the true wisdom and knowledge our hearts seek!  Only Jesus satisfies all our hearts’ longings!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Calling all cooks.....or those that want to be!

Hey Everybody!

We are so excited to be sharing the first of our many recipes here on the blog.  

Marilyn Williams runs our kitchen with me on Wednesday nights.  We plan the meals together(fake reason to go out to lunch often) and try to do so in an inexpensive yet tasty manner.  I love to be with Marilyn.  She is the Mother of two wonderful kids, Kelly and Chad.  She is married to Roger, her farmer husband, and all around "hit with the ladies" when he wears his overalls. 

Her newest role is that of "Granna" to Levi.  She has been at Lee Park for many years and serving faithfully.  We both love aprons and being in a kitchen...especially the Lee Park kitchen.
Marilyn is an excellent cook.  I love and use many of her recipes. 


From Marilyn's Kitchen:


4 – 5 large chicken breasts (Cooked)
1 can Cream of Celery Soup
1 can Cream of Chicken Soup
1 can Chicken Broth
1 can Mixed vegetables (Veg-All) drained, or 1 bag of frozen mixed vegetables

Put chicken in bottom of greased 9 X 13 baking dish.  Combine soups and vegetables in saucepan and let mixture come to a boil.  Stir until all soups are dissolved.  Pour soup mixture over chicken.

1 cup Self-Rising Flour
1 stick Margarine, melted
1 cup Milk

Mix together and pour over chicken.  Bake at 400 degrees until crust is brown and vegetables are tender.

VARIATION:  Sometimes I leave out the vegetables and make the pie with just the soups.   I just serve it over creamed potatoes.  It is great this way too.

If you are a chocoholic like I am, you will love this cake.  It is super easy to make (only takes about 30 minutes from start to finish) and the longer it sits, the better it gets. 


2 cups Sugar
2 cups Self Rising Flour
1 stick Margarine
½ cup Crisco (liquid)
4 T. Cocoa
1 cup Water
½ cup Buttermilk
2 Eggs
1 tsp. Baking Soda
1 tsp. Vanilla

Sift together flour and sugar and put into large mixing bowl.  Place margarine, Crisco, cocoa and water into saucepan and bring to boil.  Pour over flour and sugar mixture, beating well.  Mix together buttermilk, eggs, baking soda and vanilla and pour into other mixture and then into a greased and floured 9 X 13 pan.  Bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes.


1 tsp. Vanilla
½ cup chopped nuts
6 T. Milk
1 stick Margarine
4 T. Cocoa
1 box Confectioners Sugar

Start icing 5 minutes before cake is done.  Put all ingredients except confectioners sugar into saucepan, bring to boil.  Pour over confectioners sugar and beat well.  Remove cake from oven and spread icing on hot cake.