Sunday, September 18, 2011

Is God’s Word Alive and Real to You?

It's time for another guest blogger!! Today we have the privilege of introducing you to Robin Gagne'. Robin is part of the Ladies Ministry leadership team and teaches Bible study on Tuesdays, as well as works in AWANA on Wednesday. She is a homeschool mom to three children, and wife to Jeff, our Chairman of the Deacons at Lee Park. She is kind, sweet, godly and an all around wonderful person. To know Robin is to love her, we know you will too......................Lisa 

I have always loved the Bible.  However, earlier in my life it wasn’t always as real to me.  Especially when I would just read my Bible for about 5 or 10 minutes a day. It just seemed like a duty instead, my Christian duty that is.  

God’s desire for us all is close relationship with Him--to know Him and continue to grow in our relationship with Him. I thank God for providing the way to deepen my relationship with Him through my first Bible Study, which happened to be a Beth Moore study.  The church where I attended “MOPS” (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) meetings, when my oldest was only an infant, had a wonderful ladies ministry and offered Bible Studies. 

Bible Study opened up a whole new world for me!  That is all it took to ignite my desire within to dig into God’s Word.  Bible study brought the Bible to life and encouraged me to study longer, as well as apply God’s truths to my life like I had never done before. I discovered how amazing and exciting the Bible truly is!  Gathering together with other ladies to discuss God’s Word really gave me the accountability to stay focused and grow despite my temptation to rush my time in God’s Word or to skip days reading the Bible all together. 

Now, even after more than 20 different studies, I have found that I have only begun to scratch the surface— because, the more I learn about God’s Word, the more I understand how little I actually know about Him and how much more I need to learn.  Bible study gives me the desire to continue studying so that I can know God better and better!  

God’s Word speaks to us individually and changes our lives no matter how many times we read His Word!  We are so blessed here at Lee Park to have the opportunity and choices of so many great Bible studies!  Our hearts’ desire here in Ladies Ministry is for everyone to grow more and more in Christ’s love through God’s Word.  Jesus is everything and our answer to all that life brings our way.  Only God’s Word can give us the true wisdom and knowledge our hearts seek!  Only Jesus satisfies all our hearts’ longings!
